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Peter Vann has seen so much. Now he shows us the essentials.
After restless years of glamour, the pop scene and Bohemian life, after close contact with the wealthy, the beautiful and their daughters, after a life spent between garish light and sunshine, Peter Vann has signed off his previous existence and begun work on his magnum opus.
Disregarding fashion, lifestyle and expensive sports cars, his powerful lens is now directed at glaciers, mountain ridges and peaks, at fissures, crevasses and snowdrifts. Above the tree line, on the Morteratsch-Glacier or Piz Palü, he pursues a solitary path, always seeking the most lasting impressions, the sparse visual clues on the fringe of awareness.
Where creation seems scarcely to have made its mark, he finds the sublime in its most reduced form. Where human beings seldom penetrate, there is the essence of being. But surely if we look hard and deeply enough we can make out a few figures in the light and dark contrasts of all-powerful nature? Their presence is so minute, their search all the more determined.
Peter Vann takes the might of nature as a backdrop, its stark splendour, its drama that needs no colour, its power to take our breath away, and shows us how lost we humans can be.
We gaze respectfully at these endless heights and, if fortune favours us, may catch a direct glimpse of what’s in our hearts and understand what the Little Prince learned from the fox: "On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." ("One sees well only with the heart. The essentials are invisible to the eye."). In this spirit, Peter Vann has perhaps brought us closer to a true view of life.
David Staretz


1941 born in Zürich

1957-1960 graduated from art school : Kunstgewerbe Schule Zürich

1960-1962 worked as assistant-photographer for fashion and advertising. He has a passion for music, he composed and sang in   a group of six musicians....

1962 moved to Paris to start his career of singer with the name Peter Vann, did four single discs. concerts, radio...

1970 worked again as a photographer for magazines: fashion, people, reportages...

1972 started specializing in car photographs.

1981-1982 worked for Vogue Hommes, l’Automobile Magazine, Citroën, Automobiles Classiques....

1983 published the first book Automobiles extraordinaires (EPA).

1986 exhibition at the Galerie Canon Paris.

1992 created with Uli Praetor the magazine AutoFocus in Germany.

1998 came back to Switzerland and created with Uli Praetor a publishing company Rindlisbacher & Co.

2006 started to photograph the landscapes of the Engadine. First exhibition in the Galerie Peter Vann, at S-chanf/Switzerland.

2007 exhibition at Art Dubai, Galerie Kunstmann Palma de Mallorca.

2008 exhibition at Eltville Germany.

2010 exhibition at the Galerie Jordanow München.

2010-2011 Exhibition World view at the Automobil Forum Unter den Linden, Berlin.

2013 exhibition at the Leica Galerie Salzburg.

2014 exhibition at the Schloss Fuschl, Austria.

Since 2006 permanent exhibition at S-chanf and St Moritz.



1983 Automobiles extraordinaires (EPA). Die Schönsten Autos der Welt (Motor Buch Verlag).

1985 Cabriolets (EPA, Motor Buch Verlag).

1986 Berlinettes (EPA), Sport-Coupés (Motor Buch Verlag).

1987 Fantastiques Ferrari (EPA), Mythos Ferrari (Motor Buch Verlag). Grand prix du livre - Festival de Chamonix 1988

1988 Le rêve automobile (EPA), Dream cars (Guild Publishing London).

1990 American cars (Südwest Verlag).

1991 Alfa Romeo cars (Südwest Verlag).

1994 Mythos Mercedes (ETAI, Motor Buch Verlag, MBI). Grand prix du livre - Festival de Chamonix 1995

1998 Porsche Jubiläumsbuch (Motor Buch Verlag, MBI).

1999 Bugatti Marke Mythos Renaissance (VW), Audi TT (Delius Klasing).

2000 Porsche Turbo Powerplay (Motor Buch Verlag, ETAI, MBI), Ferrari collection for private.

2001 Neusilber Auto Union (Motor Buch Verlag, Nada Editore, MBI), Phaeton book (VW)

2003 Porsche Carrera GT (Motor Buch verlag), Design by Giugiaro (Motor Buch Verlag, ETAI).

2004 Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren (Motor Buch Verlag).

2006 Lamborghini a tempo furioso (Motor Buch Verlag, Nada Ed., MBI).  Audi TT ExciTTment (Delius Klasing).

         Engadin Essenz des Augenblicks: Andere Landschaftsfotos von Peter Vann.

2007 Emotions in the Engadine: Photos Calendar

2008 Engadine Sgraffiti: Photos Calendar

         Peter Vann Das Fotografische Werk (Delius Klasing). Motor Presse Club – Autobuch Preis 2009 in der Kategorie Foto

2009 Peak Emotion. Piz Palü, Morteratsch: Photos Calendar

2010 Engadine Unplugged: Photos Calendar

2012 Over the top: Photos Calendar

2013 Ferrari Portfolios: Photos Calendar

2014 Bestiarium: Photos Calendar

2015 Pure Engadine: Photos Calendar

2008-2015 World View 08/09/10/11/12/13/14/15 Volkswagen Group

2017 Vegetalis: Photos Calendar

2021 Engadine , mon amour: Photos Calendar

2022 Magic Engadine: Photos Calendar

©Galerie Peter Vann, all rights reserved. Via Maistra 123. CH-7525 S-chanf Switzerland

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